The first meeting of the Provisional Rotary Club of Salisbury was held in Abe Howsan`s garage in Logan Road, Mount Gravatt on 4th July 1962 and commenced at 7.30p.m. Chairman was Eddie Knoblauch and eleven (11) members were present.
It was moved that the next meeting be held at the Sunnybank Hotel on 18th July at 5.45 pm for 6 pm dinner. The purpose of this impromptu meeting was to disclose to new and prospective members an insight into Rotary and what was expected of them as Active Rotarians.
It was further moved that the tentative date for the formation of the Provisional Club be the 8th August 1962 and then meeting every Wednesday from that date at the Sunnybank Hotel at 5.45 pm for 6.00 pm start.
The appointed tentative date for the Charter Night of the Rotary Club of Salisbury was moved and seconded to be the 29th September 1962.
The meeting on 8th August 1962 being properly convened and adopted the Club Constitution and By- Laws.
At this meeting the closed list of 26 members was submitted to Rotary International as the Charter Members of the Rotary Club of Salisbury. It was also decided that a Director`s Meeting would be held on the 1st Wednesday of each calendar month.
FEES : Entrance Fee for new members will be Three Guineas ($6.30) and Annual Dues will be Seven Guineas ($14.70) payable half yearly in advance.
District Governor`s Representative Eddie Knoblauch installed Roy Barber as the Charter President.
As the tentative date for the Club`s Charter had passed and no Charter received, it was decided on 24th October 1962 that a deputation interview President John Johnson of our Sponsor Club the Rotary Club of Stones Corner with the view of endeavouring to hasten the approval of the Charter for the new Provisional Salisbury Rotary Club. It was stated that the continued procrastination is causing discontentment amongst the new members.
Our sponsors the Rotary Club of Stones Corner was only chartered in June 1960 with its own Membership growing to a healthy 35 and unwittingly put its own membership at risk by sponsoring the Rotary Club of Salisbury as twelve of their Members became Members of the new Club. As well they had to cede territory including the important industrial bases of Salisbury and Rocklea East and the rapidly expanding area surrounding Mount Gravatt.
Due to the procrastination on the formation of the new Club there were two resignations of the listed Charter Members in December 1962.
At the weekly meeting on 20th February 1963 President Roy Barber announced that the Secretariat of Rotary International has advised that The Rotary Club of Salisbury was admitted to Membership in Rotary International on 11th February 1963.
The Rotary Club of Salisbury was chartered on the 11th February 1963 with twenty four (24) Members.
The Presentation of the Charter by the Governor of Rotary District 260, Frank Sanders occurred at a dinner held on Saturday 27th April 1963 at the Lennon’s Hotel Convention Hall, George Street, Brisbane.